What the hell??!! What am i doing here? Just about to write another bunch of rubbish for you people to read. Time to explain the irony of ragging!! Guys in the All-India anti ragging committee!! I congratulate you, you guys have done magnificently well to get rid of ragging in all the colleges of India. And that means really succeeded. It's brilliant! Seniors will not talk to juniors or interact with them in any way in the first semester in my college( the supposed rule). Attittude of seniors, "Dude!! Rules are meant to be broken!" But with all due respect, they did curb it. No physical torture or stuff. Just mental, for 7 F*****G MONTHS!! That's it, 7 months of bloody anti-ragging rules. Guys, seriously, your rules sucked worse than the ragging itself. So very honestly for the next batch of first years, it's Authorities vs. Seniors. And at the end of it, it's upto the first years to decide. Do they want it quick and painless or slow and painful? ( umm... I meant ragging guys, not mode of death). Because no matter what rules are there, the dumb fear of the seniors remains and that sucks worse than anything we can make you guys do. I remember when my seniors were ragging me, boy was i a glutton for punishment! Here's just one of the many faux pas i made!
Senior:-Dude, you see that really irritating senior right? ( irritating due to his appallingly bad poor jokes otherwise known as Mokkais)
Me:-Yes sir.
Senior:- That guy came from your school right?
Me:- Yes sir.
Senior:- How did they let in such creatures in your school?
Me:- Well sir, all of us had to write an entrance exam..
Senior:- Dude, please. Was that supposed to be funny?
LOL, poor guy could have slapped me for that one, but deep down i know he was laughing like a clown for that one!! But anyway juniors, remember, rules are meant to be broken. Life's more fun for you and us that way!!
Awkward Conversations!
5 years ago
1 comment:
pssst... I'm from that very school, and I was stupid enough not to pass that entrance exam, but I still got in :D
Stupid stupid seniors. :D
Ju call em Sir? =))
We call em Anna. :O
Sir is better.
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