LOL, i guarantee you this one has been coming for a long long time!! Maybe you guys have seen the movie, blood diamond. Well, there was this dialogue, "RUF is fighting for the people. RUF is fighting for Sierra Leone!!". Hmmm, yeah, it makes sense.. They're fighting for people, and they go to villages and torture, kill, rape the people they're "fighting for"! At those times i wonder, what exactly are they fighting for? Sure as hell, they ain't fighting for the country. Then there's the fundamentalist Islamic terrorism! Bravo!! I swear, they've got the best scam ever! They tell people to take up the cause of jihad in terrorist schools, cause if they do blow themselves up, "they go to heaven!" Man, imagine the talking to god in heaven, it'll probably end up like this.
God:-So, how did you die?
Terrorist:- I blew up myself and 25 others in the name of god!
God:- How touching! For me? Then you will go to heaven, you'll get a deluxe suite!!
God:-What about you young man?
Terrorist(the WTC guy):- I flew a plane into a building, and killed thousands of Americans all in the name of god!
God:-What an achievement! You will get the best room in heaven.
Angel(whispering to god):- Mother Teresa occupies it sir!
God:-Send her to hell citing no vacancy due to the sudden influx in terrorists.
LOL, the poor cops who kill murderers and terrorists probably get sent to hell! I mean come on. There must be some sort of logic to this people. Maybe these guys are a bit ignorant, and they believe that killing innocent people is the only route to salvation?? I mean come on, is it even humanly possible to be that dumb? Hmmm..... That must be why they label terrorists as being inhuman monsters. Not because they're evil and have no conscience, but it's because they are too dumb to be human! But now we have to think, what about the people that are combatting terrorists? George W. Bush. Definitely the missing link in evolution and probably the only creature even dumber than the terrorists. How he got re-elected remains to be as mysterious as his strange human like behaviour! But you've got to give him credit, destroying almost half his army in an utterly futile war on terrorism requires beyond ape like intelligence. (i'm talking negative if u guys didn't get that.) So what's the solution for terrorism you may ask? Well, the best way to stop it is.... umm..... er....... Close down every terrorist training camp in the world? Nah, nah... that isn't possible. Maybe write more funny posts like this to make people realize how dumb they're being would be a nice one! So, what're you waiting for? Start spreading the message. But don't stop reading my blogs!! :D
Awkward Conversations!
5 years ago